Shout It
When is it Too Early or Too Late to Call Someone?

Let me sleep! Let me drink my wine in peace!
by Sandra Staas (Mon May 10, 2010)

This morning at 7.18 a.m. - yes, 7.18 in the morning, the phone rang. Who the blazes could be calling at this time? God knows, I need all the beauty sleep I can get.

I let hubby answer the bloody phone. He was already up. Then I burrowed my head underneath the pillow.

The bedroom door opened and hubby sauntered in. ‘It's for you. It‘s the hospital wanting to set up a time for your scan.'

Did I just hear right? Someone was calling me so early in the morning? Before I even had my coffee or my first pee of the day? To set up an appointment? Why the hell couldn't they call at a civilized time? After 9.00 a.m. would be appropriate - but even any time after 8.00 a.m. wouldn't be so bad.

I was extremely polite to this waker-upper, this bright-eyed, annoying person. I had no choice, for I could hardly put two words together. I managed to mumble a few precise words before dismissing this thoughtless dimwit who sounded just too perky and cheery for my liking. Bugger, she even sounded chirpy, like a baby bird singing gleefully as dawn breaks.

I make a good grump, especially first thing in the morning. As the day went on, I did become less grumpy, and by evening, I was in full swing and enjoying a glass of wine - until a telemarketer called at 9.45 p.m.

From one extreme, being awakened and annoyed at 7.18 a.m. to another, being diverted from my wine time at 9.45 p.m. just makes me wonder about the protocol of when it's appropriate to call people.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated - but just don't call me about it early in the morning before I've even flushed the toilet, nor late evening when I'm slapping back my wine.
What do you think?